Hello. Bonjour.

Join me as I search and write about the good life.

Soaking in Spring

Soaking in Spring


With warmer temperatures maybe here to stay, spring is becoming more of a reality. Everyone I talk to in the last week mentions the weather and how this long drawn out spring has been hard on our bodies and minds. It’s not just the cold temperatures; it’s the gray, gloomy skies which slowly seep into our brains and cause us to see only the bleak and the glum. But today is bright and sunny. The sky is blue. I even sat outside on my deck to write this.
With taxes done and mailed (yes, I am old school), and some long term projects finished, I find that my energy is low. When I talk to my mother on the phone, she reminds me of everything I have done recently and she tells me, “It’s O.K. to rest.” That’s when I find this quote from John Lubbock: “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”


As the longest winter ends, I need time to rest and soak in the sun, to watch plants emerge out of their sleep, to listen to birds and squirrels as they come out of the woods. I need to sit and gaze and take it in. Though spring can bring on a frenzy in my work and a renewed energy from that shining orb in the sky, this year, I am taking it easy. I want to see every last poking sprout, watch the clouds as they paint the landscape below, notice what is changing from day to day, and let nature speak to me.
In a world where words are spoken or written without thought, I choose to ponder and listen. In a world where wounds are opened, I choose to watch emerging life. In a world where hate can sometimes rule, I choose to look for love. If I sit, even for a few minutes, I feel my heart slowing down, my breathing attuned to the earth, and I become one piece of a vast rebirth.


When I build these moments of rest into my routine, I renew myself and can move forward with more strength. Sometimes the day to day is just that: going through each hour with no specific goal in mind, just living my human life, just breathing. I am learning how to be more comfortable with those moments of rest and truly own them. They clear my mind and soothe my soul. “Spring, are you here now?” I am ready to soak it all in.

Spring Sun and Preserved Lemons

Spring Sun and Preserved Lemons

Time for Popcorn

Time for Popcorn