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Spending Time at Fidler Pond

Spending Time at Fidler Pond

Summer has its grip upon us now. I crave the early and late hours when the earth slowly cools. As dusk falls, I can sense that specific second when the ground starts to release moisture and the earthy smell of moss and dead leaves and dampness slowly rises. And as the sun comes up, the air currents send out warmth announcing the new day. 
With a new summer schedule comes a new routine. I head to Fidler Pond at least once a day to walk Stella, the dog, but mostly to get myself out of the house and active. That’s where I can see summer opening its butterfly wings and starting its rounds.

Since 2013, Fidler Pond Park, on the outskirts of Goshen, has provided a place to run, walk, bike, fish and be on the water. Because it sits on the southeast side of town, it is accessible to many. From my house, it’s about a five minute drive to get there. And once there, it feels like being in a whole other world. There is something about being by the water that soothes my spirit. Lately, I have been running along the pond’s edge so Stella can wade in as she wants. The water always reflects back the weather. It can be as still as a heavy, humid and hot summer day or as turbulent as a windy, wicked and wild summer storm. And the colours...Sometimes, it reminds me of the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean or the deep blue waters of the Norwegian fjords. And since it is so close, it has been a handy spot for Jim to put in his homemade wooden sailboat and glide back and forth, pushed by the breeze.

As a runner, I like its measured course and its kind surface. I find myself in my own world as I gently jog along, watching nature unfold before me, the huge sky above and the watery expanse below.
After a run or walk there, I come home with fresh energy. It’s not just the exercise. It’s the surroundings: the wind across the water, the sun beating down, the rustle of the reeds, the gathering of birds, the light as air dragonflies, the shade of the pines, the crunch of gravel under my feet as I run. And all around, other folks are taking it all in. And, even if they aren’t, nature is working its magic silently, unbeknownst to them. Because it will make them pay attention when it wants and take them away from their routine, if just for a second.
Over the years, Fidler Pond Park has given me more than I will ever give it. And, even though the grass always seems greener somewhere else, especially at this time of year, if I keep my eyes and ears open, and take the time to stop and look, I see the beauty that it offers right here in my own backyard. I hope you see it too!


Being Local While Traveling in Scotland

Being Local While Traveling in Scotland

My First Forays in Food Service -- Working at Pagoda Inn

My First Forays in Food Service -- Working at Pagoda Inn