Hello. Bonjour.

Join me as I search and write about the good life.

Travel Preliminaries

Travel Preliminaries


Getting ready for an overseas trip takes a little planning, both on the departure and the arrival sides. Before leaving, we need to make sure we have our tickets and passports in order. We clean the house, line up pet sitters and tie up any loose ends.

We also reserve our lodging overseas and buy any needed train tickets so we know where we are going when we arrive. With everything in order, it’s time to fly.

As we pack our bags, we have learned a few rules of thumb over the years.


Small bags work the best. If you have only carry ons, you know all your things will follow you to your destination. You also can accumulate while you travel and know that you can send your bag through check in on the way home. We have often used small sized backpacks. Jim now uses a shoulder or hand held duffel bag.

I also take along a larger handbag, for my tech items and to put my plastic toiletry bag in. This is also where I carry my important papers and books to read.

Things to pack. For a ten to 18 day trip, I try to follow this list and I adjust it according to the predicted weather.

2 pairs of pants

1 pair of leggings and/or yoga pants

1 pair of lounge pants/pajamas

4 short sleeve tops

4 long sleeved tops

a warm sweater and a light sweater

a couple of tank tops

10 underwear

5 or 6 pairs of socks

walking shoes

hiking shoes (Keens or sturdy tennies)


I also take along a medium weight jacket that is fairly rainproof, a scarf that can double as a pillow and a hat. What I wear is a part of this list.

Often, the places we stay have a washing machine. So we might do one load and air dry it half waythrough our stay.

Since there are often times of transit while traveling, I also always throw in a knitting project, several books and have some game apps on my iPad. If I have a longer wait, I try to do some walking in the terminal, knowing I will be sitting for numerous hours on the plane.


Go with the flow. Sometimes there are delays or unexpected flight issues. One way or another, you will make it. Stressing out about it won’t change anything. I try to be proactive and keep myself informed so that I know when to contact my airline or others. Start reading the book you packed, look around, you are already on vacation so relax.

On the Plane. I make sure to drink plenty of water so I don’t get dehydrated. I take walks to use my legs and do some stretches. I sleep as best I can.

As soon as I feel the wheels of the airplane touch the ground, I know I have arrived. Now the exciting part begins and the story starts.

Arrival Day

Arrival Day

Traveling Two Ways

Traveling Two Ways